Tuesday, April 19, 2011


All the teachers act as designers, when they have courses that find design challenges. This is where you expect the class to learn technology education, computer programming, music and science, sometimes mathematics and media art. When you Design programs it also makes education in an informal education setting.
   SketchUp is program software that helps alls the users build 2 dimensional models of houses and their insides from which blueprint type floor plans can be easily printed and duplicated. The program helps all designers figure out what they want each building to look like rooms and all. The program allows you to start with 2-Dimmensional generic shapes. The best way to use sketchup in the classroom is by getting the students into small groups and telling them to make any building they want to build and put into any city they want to. 
   Digital Storytelling is a program students can easily use all of their creative skills to make a storyboard on a paper. The students use a new camera to shoot their videos then they edit their videos on a computer using editorial software to do their work. I feel that digital storytelling won’t ever work in my classroom because I'm going to be teaching agriculture classes that really don’t require movie making skills when we will be dealing with live animals. In a class where computer skills are needed this program would be a great fit with.
 Some other methods of making mathematics more real is the new programs such as MyMathLab, Statistical Analysis System, and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences are often used outside of class to help students get the extra help they might need. The show how math problems relate to each other so that all use can see how important math actually is to the world as we know it. 
   I think it’s possible that you can watch TV and learn something, but I’m a bit of a skeptic when it comes to that. Because I know from my experience if it’s not interesting to me than I don’t watch it and I feel my students will be the same way. But as a teacher I will be flexible and willing to try anything to help my students succeed in academics not only in my class, but all their classes. I feel that a hands on approach is the best way to get many students to learn what you want them to.

Crismond, D., Howland, J., Jonassens, D., Marra, R. M. (2008).  Meaningful
learning with technology. Columbus: Pearson, Merrill Prentice Hall.


  1. Using SketchUp in groups would be a fun and creative way for the students to learn. I can see where it would be hard to use Digital Storytelling in an agriculture classroom. You might could use it, when students are learning about the animals and nature. They can capture what they have learned when they actually go and deal with the real animals.

  2. yea sometimes interest is a big key to learning howto on a tv mainly because of motavation who wants to watch a video with someone whos already in shape and your not keeping up when you tryin to do it
