Tuesday, April 19, 2011


All the teachers act as designers, when they have courses that find design challenges. This is where you expect the class to learn technology education, computer programming, music and science, sometimes mathematics and media art. When you Design programs it also makes education in an informal education setting.
   SketchUp is program software that helps alls the users build 2 dimensional models of houses and their insides from which blueprint type floor plans can be easily printed and duplicated. The program helps all designers figure out what they want each building to look like rooms and all. The program allows you to start with 2-Dimmensional generic shapes. The best way to use sketchup in the classroom is by getting the students into small groups and telling them to make any building they want to build and put into any city they want to. 
   Digital Storytelling is a program students can easily use all of their creative skills to make a storyboard on a paper. The students use a new camera to shoot their videos then they edit their videos on a computer using editorial software to do their work. I feel that digital storytelling won’t ever work in my classroom because I'm going to be teaching agriculture classes that really don’t require movie making skills when we will be dealing with live animals. In a class where computer skills are needed this program would be a great fit with.
 Some other methods of making mathematics more real is the new programs such as MyMathLab, Statistical Analysis System, and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences are often used outside of class to help students get the extra help they might need. The show how math problems relate to each other so that all use can see how important math actually is to the world as we know it. 
   I think it’s possible that you can watch TV and learn something, but I’m a bit of a skeptic when it comes to that. Because I know from my experience if it’s not interesting to me than I don’t watch it and I feel my students will be the same way. But as a teacher I will be flexible and willing to try anything to help my students succeed in academics not only in my class, but all their classes. I feel that a hands on approach is the best way to get many students to learn what you want them to.

Crismond, D., Howland, J., Jonassens, D., Marra, R. M. (2008).  Meaningful
learning with technology. Columbus: Pearson, Merrill Prentice Hall.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Voice thread
    The software program seems like it would be really easy for the classroom. I think very highly of it. Voice thread seems like it will be really simple and student friendly. While someone is talking about whatever topics open. The picture can really help focus on the students on whatever the speakers point is all about.  Allowing multiple people to speak about a topic shows how the program is great for group activities. It can also be a great help to anyone taking online classes.
    I would like to use the program to help me make my lesson plan better if I had the chance. I would use an online lesson plan that made my students work together in groups to finish projects. This would help give everyone in the group together to talk about anything no matter where there are in the world. My students would be able to do all the activities that are on my lesson plan for the day. The picture drawing tools and fast acting activities lists would be the stuff I used the most.
    I would use this in a classroom when I want to give the students a break or the students who gone on school related trips so they don’t fall behind.     High school students have a very hard schedule with the entire extra after school programs. With Voice threads help my students could get all their assignments together online.  As a teacher of the future I want to do my part to help all my students succed.                                                                                 References

Group conversations around images, documents, and videos. (2007). Retrieved from              http://

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

blog posting chap 3 pg54

Jerome Jones
April 5, 2011
Etec 424

       The three biggest 3 principles to me are practice principle, committed learning principle, and discovery principle. I like these because they will help you learn more by experimenting and trying stuff for yourself, which would help them retain more than if you just tell them you want them to know. Repetition or practice is the biggest way you learn anything is by doing over and over until it’s programmed in your brain.  The three I chose are discovery based which you give them like an outline and they students have to work to find a huge of information by doing extensive research on their own. The three I choose are supposed to be more fun and interesting than the other topics because there more like self paced.
       I would simulate a livestock show. The students would be able to manipulate how each animal places by their confirmation and how well the exhibitor shows them to the judges. I would also be able to simulate how each animal grow out from the day they buy it until the day the sell it. They would be able to manipulate what animals they cull and which ones they keep by each individual’s performance on feeds, and growing rates. Each of these items listed are important parts of picking good animals to show. All of these items I listed are important part of good livestock management procedures. That’s what showing is all about bettering the breed not keeping it the same or making it worse.  
     In conclusion as being a future agriculture teacher it is important for me to help each of students learn everything possible about agriculture. I have to find the best way to reach each of student s so everyone learns, and i also feel that hands approach is the best way to do that. Without being able to adapt to teaching styles you won’t be very effective.  I feel like repetition and practice will go a long way to helping each student succeed in the goals in life.

JONASSEN, DAVID, HOWLAND, JANE, MARRA, ROSE M, & CRISMOND, DAVID. (1999). Meaningful learning with technology 3rd edition . New Jersy,New York: Pearson.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

week 7

Jerome Jones
2nd March 2, 2011
Etec 424
Blog posting
I think that the types of activates that would make the best use of technology in the class room is, Semantic networks, power points for presentations, and collaborative assignments. These all make good writing activates, because they are mainly fun and students like to do them so you get higher participation which turns into better grades. Collaborative works are the best to me, because it gives your students a chance to work together in groups so that there are many ideas for them to choose from which will make each of the presentations more diverse. The semantic maps are great help when it comes to brain storming for ideas, since you basically just write down whatever pops into your head. Power point presentations are also great because it gives each of your students or groups the opportunity to make their own project from scratch. Their projects will all have great amounts of good information, and they will also show each person individual style.  
 In order for me as an educator no to let the power point presentation distract my audience, the one thing I would do is give my students a set of questions that have to be answered about every presentation. I would also make each of my students get tell the class what they liked about the presentation, and what they would change to make it better. Yes I do feel that following the pitfalls from the text book would be easy to follow. I would give each of my students a certain number of slides, slide transitions, fonts, colors, and templates. This would help limit running in to all the pitfalls, I would also go through step by step with my students so that they see exactly how I want them to look. I would also go through have each of my students show me their presentations early so that if we run into any problems they can be corrected before the presentation is due.
I think that even though these are all great ways to use the technology in your classroom to your advantage, technology gives you as the educator more responsibility. When it comes to collaborative work your two biggest issues are making sure the groups work well together and they actually get work accomplished, and you have to make sure every group member does an equal share of the work. When it comes to power point presentations you have to make sure that information in the slide is not over shadowed by backgrounds, transitions, too many slides, or not enough information. The best way to take care of this problem take time during class to walk around and check the presentations so that everyone knows what needs to be fixed before due date. At the end of the day even though all of these are good methods you also have to make sure you have enough computer for every one to use equally so no one is sitting around not doing anything. 
JONASSEN, DAVID, HOWLAND, JANE, MARRA, ROSE M, & CRISMOND, DAVID. (1999). Meaningful learning with technology 3rd edition . New Jersy,New York: Pearson.

Friday, February 25, 2011

week 6 blog

          Personal Digital Assistants are mainly electronic devices that are used to help you get something done. We use them every day in class the biggest one we use are computers, projectors, and TV monitors. They are a great tool in class because they can help a teacher get their point across by using visual aid. You can also use them to help the students follow along while you’re teaching them. We also use them to do assignments, because they make research projects easier to complete. Now that we have computers you don’t have to go the library as much now as in the past because everything you need can be found on the internet.
              We use on line surveys to find out information about how everyone feels about something. We use them in a class room to find out what we should change about our class. Many teachers use them to find out what their students know about the topic they are getting ready to teach them so they know where to start. The Information from these surveys should be used and implemented within good reason. One the rules for writing good surveys is, avoid using question that you are bias to. If your bias to something then you aren’t really as open as you should be. The second to me is avoid long question in order to get actual information using agree or don’t agree format would work better.
            I feel that if used properly both of these tools can be very beneficial to the learning process used by teachers. The hardest part will be monitoring each of your students to make sure that when using a computer or any other device they are only doing their work and not playing games or looking at inappropriate material. The only thing about online surveys is if you’re going to take the time to make one for your students then make sure you’re going to at least try to incorporate whatever you learn to make your class better. You also to make sure that the questions are age and lesson appropriate, its mot smart to have question about puppies when the lesson is about English teachers. Another thing  is don’t try to only use digital assistants to teach the class for you just use them as a  helper and not the only class material.  
JONASSEN, DAVID, HOWLAND, JANE, MARRA, ROSE M, & CRISMOND, DAVID. (1999). Meaningful learning with technology 3rd edition . New Jersy,New York: Pearson.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

journal review

Jerome Jones
Etec 424
February 10 2011

Journal Review # 1

Hunt, W., & Coutts, J. (2009). Extension in Tough Times--Addressing Failures in Public and Private Extension, Lessons from the Tasmanian Wool Industry, Australia. Journal of agricultural education and extension, 15(1), 39-55. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
The article to me was about the government of certain parts of Africa is trying figure out how they can use different methods to try to get all the parties involved in production agriculture to agree, and give each other feedback and work together for the betterment of agricultural technology practices. That have a lot of different programs set up to try and help solve all the problems, but they can’t get high levels of participation from both sides. The officials of the organizations feel that they have to get everyone from the scientists to the small scale farmers to work together for the betterment of agriculture in Africa.

They are trying to change the agricultural system from being supply driven to demand led. They are even trying to better educate everyone involved, but it’s hard to get the farmers to come to the teaching sessions without some kind of incentives to ensure everyone comes out. This strategy works because many of the poor farmers won’t pass up a free meal. They have to get the farmers, extension agents, and scientists all on the same page, because when new advances are made they need each other to implement everything. This hard though because many of the farmers aren’t as willing to work with the other I have personally heard several farmers say “you can’t tell a farmer how to farm”, but the same can be said for scientist who normally works alone. I feel that in a eat or starve based agricultural system like in most parts of Africa they should all try their best to work together to make sure no one starves and every farmer, scientist ,and extension agent is a equal partner in everything advancement that can help the them all out in the future.

This article sparked my interests because the article dealt with problems getting everyone to work towards the same goal, which is getting everyone to implementing new technological advances in agriculture to help fight poverty. This article gave me a better understanding of how many different people are involved in technology advances, and how it’s hard to get everyone to agree on one goal, but it is harder to get everyone too share blame or credit for something new whether it works or not. I now understand that one of the biggest problems they faced is trying to get the well educated scientist and the poorly educated farmers to work together effectively, because scientist are used to working solo while with a farmer everyone helps out and share work. I agree with that because I know I in most cases would rather work alone, and when I’m forced to work in a group I don’t do as well. It also shows me that it takes great management and organizational skills to help both sides coexist, and work well together for the betterment of the group.  

In my previous teaching experience I learned that when you have your students working in groups, the two biggest things you have to make sure is that you have all your teaching material organized and that everyone in each group works well together. If you as the instructor don’t have everything ready then your students will not be on task and that’s when no learning is going on and especially when technology is involved there is a lot of stuff on the computers your students shouldn’t be looking at, so when they are not doing anything constructive bad stuff tends to happen. I also know from experience that not every student you put in a group will work well together some of the students you have will lay back and not do anything it’s your job to make sure everyone does equal shares of the work. Teaching requires many skills and if you don’t posses those skills maybe you should reconsider your career plans.        

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

week 3 homeworl

          When I watched both videos on the websites the two programs would be great assets to any school that values education, but with many schools being low performance and having shrinking budgets every year many school districts couldn’t afford to buy the software. Even if the schools found away to fund the software their computer are either out dated or they don’t have enough computers to use the programs effectively. The three things I liked the most were how they talked about how safe and secure the websites are, how you could use the software to encourage students and their friends to help each other with their writing projects, and how simple and easy both programs are to use by the students.  I would use inspiration mainly for PowerPoint projects and notes, because of its simple but effective make up students would need very little assistance from you the teacher so you would be able to help every student better. I thought Webspiration classroom would be a great tool to help all your students learn to write and communicate on a high level if you had enough computers for everyone to use.
                 Creative writing or collaborative writing assignments would be the best fit for the use of those technology programs. You can use a program where the students proofread and edit each other’s papers so that you will only have to grade their papers once and grade everyone’s revisions and multiple rough drafts of their papers. You can use one of the programs that were discussed in both chapters that are designed to help with peer editing, revision, and feedback. At my first volunteer job as a pee-wee football coach, I had to teach the younger kids how to block correctly, which was very hard thought I knew how to block pretty well since I played varsity football, but I was wrong. I learned after, working with the children that not one style works with every child you have try to find what works best for each one to be effective.
             I think that all of these programs are very valuable tools that aid any teacher in her goal to help students learn more, but many schools don’t have the money or the resources to pay for the equipment that would be needed to make the programs really effective. For school districts that can afford the software and the manpower that would be needed to work and monitor all this stuff effectively then they should get the software, but the school districts that cant shouldn’t waste their time with it because it won’t be effective.
Jerome Jones